Thursday, December 2, 2010


I realize that it has been since last January since I have done anything with our blog, so I'm doing a condensed update for the last year to get everyone caught up on what's been going on with our busy lives!

The last time I updated was right after Christmas and Avery was 5 months old. She is a big girl now! One year old already! August 1st was her big day! We had a big party with friends and
family at my parents house.

It was a Birthday Luau and our little stinker wore her swimsuit and the cutest grass skirt brought for her all the way from Hawaii!

She wasn't sure what to do with an entire cake of her own, but she eventually figured it out!

She is just such a happy baby! She is so friendly with everyone and definitely has a silly streak. Her favorite things right now are Dora the Explorer, Coloring, Yo Gabba Gabba and anything that even resembles a book. She will bring book after book to me and say "ead it Mama". She is very active and keeps me very busy all day long. We always have to find new things to do to keep her interested, including fun play dates with friends.

The Fabulous Foursome

Avery talks so much! It's amazing what a big vocabulary she has already. She has a lot of favorite words.
  • Prippy (Pretty)
  • Tute (Cute)
  • Baby
  • Puppy
  • Mama                                           
  • Dada
  • Papa
  • Grandma
  • Dora
  • Help
  • Careful
  • Tuck (Stuck)
  • House
  • Hat
  • Shoes

  • And many many more!!! She has even started saying a few word sentences like "I love you Dada" and when she gets into a little trouble, "Sowwy Mama"! You can't stay mad at that!
Taven took a big step this summer. He decided that it was finally time to cut his hair! He has been growing his hair long for years, it was down to the middle or past the middle of his back. But after spending a good amount of time with his cousin Gerrit he decided that a shorter haircut was the way to go.

Off it goes!!

What a little man!!

We were shocked, but he ended up loving it! It changed his whole look and he was very proud of it. Just don't tell him he looks like a Jonas Brother!

Taven has been such an awesome big brother to Avery. When we found out we were pregnant with her, he seemed to think that the idea of having a baby around was pretty sketchy. He was under the impression that all siblings do is bug you and break your stuff! (Which is mostly true) But, he is completely in love with her and she feels the same! Since he lives in Portland he is constantly missing her and waiting for any new pictures and updates we can give him. Avery loves to talk to her "Bubba" on the phone and look at pictures of him. She even gives him little kisses! Taven is, and I'm sure always will be, very into his computers. He is so much like his dad and plans to take over his dad's business someday. He is definitely smart enough! He knows more about computers than all the adults. He has even started fixing computers for his friends and neighbors...just like his dad! He is enrolled in online school and is excelling in every subject. I think he's a little nervous about the prospect of High School, but he's smart and tough and he'll do great!

Now This Is Love
A Brother's Work Is Never Done

Brett is forever working hard at his company. Sometimes it seems like we never see him, but it's the price you pay for owning your own business and we're so grateful to him. He works hard so I can stay home with Avery. Something that has become really important to him is Soccer. He has always loved it but now he plays in an adult soccer league for two and three different teams and he is OBSESSED! It has been really fun to see him get so excited about it. It's also been a great way to keep him from getting "old"! Every free minute he gets is spent with his kids! He is such a great daddy!

Some big news! Avery is going to be a big sister! And of course Taven is going to be a big brother again. We are very excited and were thrilled that it happened so quickly. The five years we waited for Avery got to be a little long. The baby will probably be due around the end of July or the first week of August which means that all 5 members of the family have a birthday within 10 weeks of each other!

Well keeping up on updates is obviously a challenge for me. I'll try to be better at sharing news about our family as I'm sure we will have lots to come with a new little one on the way!